Although Martijn continues to grow more robust the lymph edema condition needs to be addressed. So, he is now wearing a toe-to-ass support stocking on his wounded leg where the lymph fluid collected causing edema, not a good condition to have. The stocking is REALLY tight and thus, uncomfy, but he knows, given the whole picture of things that happened, this is not a bad situation to endure. Still, it is a BIG procedure to pull this contraption on him in the morning. Martijn still cannot bend or sit comfortably and the stocking must be applied, so I actually went for a lesson to learn the proper technique!!! Alas, dear fans, these are neither his legs nor stocking color, he had no choice so his is pale flesh tone and not quite as sexy as this advert. Keep your kind of support in the form of holding us in your hearts coming. (If he hangs this thing by the chimney at Christmas he'll really get a load of goodies!) Ho, ho for now.
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