Sometimes during the past months I really sreamed to ease the fear and tension. Here I am with Tessa Gunther last month hamming it up for Scott's camera. This week Martijn's increased mobility and independence has allowed both of us to resume more normal routines.

Nawal El Saadawi, activist/author prepares for her lecutre. Barbara Greenberg and daughter Sophie invited me to hear Nawal El Saadawi speak at one of the regular lecture series hosted by the University of Maastricht this past Thursday evening, November 29th. During our post lecture nightcap Barbara and I agreed that El Saadawi was getting by on 'fumes' from her past works. Her presentation was scattered, contradictory, and lacked any substantiation at best; at worst, she ranted and made some dangerous accusations. All the more pity since she is a bright and talented voice for the oppressed and under privileged. Although she redeemed herself during the animated Q&A session later, I was disappointed.

Our work week ended with a most fitting reunion with our wonderful 'Healing Touch' Angel, Gerry Hartmayer, shown here at a farewell party at her home in Maastricht. She and husband Bob are relocating back to the U.S. to be closer to family and friends. The event was moving and meaningful and many colleagues and friends, most from Bob's workplace, DSM, honored both Gerry and Bob. These occasions tend to be stiff but this emotional response was a testament to this special couple. And how symbolic that this was Martijn's first real evening out. We both believe that Gerry's care and concern for us hastened his healing. We wish Bob and Gerry much pleasure and luck in their transition back to their native USA.
cqzrhiSuze & Martijn - Wow! Martijn, you look terrific! Suze, I love that picture of you and Tessa...it is a keeper! So good to read your comments about the lecture and to see the joy in your life. My love is with you every day & night.
OOPS I know your name is not Czech...
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