Plus, the family style restaurant that Birgit and Mary recommended was a total hoot! Just as we were polishing off some potent "Dutch Coffee" made with a very tasty and strong local Limburg liqueur, in marches the local band. Click the arrow for a taste of a Limburg style marching band. Remember, Carnival is a wee few months away.
Martijn, meanwhile enjoyed his own very Limburg evening at mom's where she cooked up a very regional delicacy - rabbit in red wine sauce. This evening represents a milestone - our very first 'night' out in almost five months - since Martijn's condition cascaded downward. We both enjoyed our respective experiences, conversations, food and companionship. And today a follow-up milestone – Martijn took his own shower and walked unaided and alone outside!! I had my own walk along the River Muese chatting with Claudia Chaves and Mary Ann Mayer, then with that ‘yakky’ ole Yurt Builder himself, Sir Heinz Brummel, who called from his cozy position inside the EarthShip Martijn (see ‘Heinz Builds A Yurt named Earth Ship Martijn’, Wednesday, October 31st entry) to announce its completion. We closed a good weekend while watching the documentary on the Philadelphia Mummer’s Day Parade sent to us by Bob Ingram entitled ‘Strut’ while chowing down on a hearty dinner of homemade turkey sausage with a side of mashed ginger/garlic, sweet potato, broccoli and zucchini. Yum. Later, my best pal Sally Eves phoned from upstate Pennsylvania to regale me with hysterical tales of her childhood pets. All in all this was one great weekend. We are very aware of being alive and very grateful.
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