The Masterpiece and The Master. Martijn’s bum shown with a healing stone sent by Anne McQuinn, Friday, November 16, 2007. It is difficult to explain just how miraculous this bottom is or how much admiration and awe we have for Dr. John H. Sawor, pictured here in the plastic surgery clinic at azM (Academic Hospital Maastricht), Monday, November 19, 2007, as Martijn returned for his two month check up. A mere 60 days ago a team of top-notch surgeons including Drs. Keymeulen and Huizinga removed a cancerous tumor the size of Martijn’s hand. That culprit was far larger than any of the scans ever showed or any or Martijn’s doctors expected. As reported here, they had to make critical decisions on the spot that entailed removing Martijn’s anus, rectum, part of his lower spine and 15 lymph nodes of which 5 showed cancerous cells. It was Dr. Sawor’s job to anticipate the possibilities and help reconstruct Martijn so he could resume as normal a life as possible post surgery. The resulting wound was incredibly large. Dr. Sawor had previously determined to use the large grisailles muscle of Martijn’s thigh along with skin and tissue and fat (what little he had) from his abdomen to pack and cushion the reconstructed posterior. Keep in mind that the resulting bum has no opening now – no crack or hole, but looking at his masterpiece you wouldn’t know it. Martijn was opened in so many ways – the thigh, his abdomen in two places, one for removal of the fat, the other to create his colostomy – but it is here, at the bitter end, so to speak, where the rubber hits the road. And rubber is what Martijn says it feels like. Sitting on rubber. He talks a lot about how most people take sitting for granted. He knows. But, as his ‘bil plastiek’ (ass plastic reconstruction) heals we both admit that from any distance, this ‘tush’ deserves a “Bottom’s Up” toast! We feel incredibly fortunate that Dr. Sawor was his surgeon.
Wow that's amazing what they can do. Really amazing. And yes, people take things for granted until they lose them. Sitting on rubber, I'm trying to imagine the feeling. Not nice. I'll be back in Holland soon (in a month) to visit you! Here, the political situation is highly critical. Tomorrow will be decisive. We'll see. But I'll see you soon!
Martijn and Suze,Glad to hear that the recovery is doing well and that things are getting a little more manageable keep up that fighting spirit Martijn,and I'm happy to hear of the wide support group and friends that are sending their positive vibes to the other side of the planet to help you both heal,I hope to be coming over in Jan. and seeing my family as well as stopping down Maastricht way.So I will see you soon!
Love and peace,Leon
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