Friday, November 02, 2007


Click the arrow to watch an actual healing touch session with Gerry Hartmayer and Charlotte Roozemond working on Martijn

Touch is vital to healing. Much has been written about the effect of touch upon infants, the eldery and the infirm. We all need touch yet too often in our society we've been removed from access to safe, pure, affectionate touch. Martijn and I snuggle, cuddle and pet frequently. I was raised in an affectionate household. Today I got an extra dose of touch by being with Hassna Nouisri, my most affectionate and capable skin care practitioner who has recently moved to our local Aveda Salon. It was pure heaven. Hassna [Assh-NA] provides more than a facial - she ministers to skin and soul with her gentle, caring professionalism. When I left I was glowing from top to bottom. After lunch it was Martijn's turn as our angel of healing touch, Gerry Hartmayer (please see Thursday, October 24th entry on this blog) and her friend and colleague, Charlotte Roozemond, once again worked with Martijn from the spiritual down to the cellular level. Today they focused on his lymph system as well as his spine and bum, which, as you can imagine, is tight and sore. Gerry asked if they could return tomorrow. We are very fortunate and blessed by their nurture and care. Remember, we all need touch. If you're currently not in a relationship that provides this, please find ways to bring touch into your life. Ask for platonic hugs from family or friends or find a good massuse. Here's a virtual hug your way from your flatland friends. Hug, hug, S&M

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my heart is with you both
most of all i wish i was there to give you a big Bear Hug!!!!!!
yes, life is precious...and so are the two of you.....Brave and Courageous!
your Cuz
fom good old PHILLY