Dearest Animal lovers and psychics. Today Martijn received Part Two of Gerry Hartmayer's Healing Touch session. It was a very very moving, open, loving, intense and successful interlude. During the session and at its conclusion, Gerry gently reminded Martijn about "calling to him" all the healing spirits around the world who have been with us and continue to be with us during this journey. Gerry asked Martijn if he had one particular spirit accompanying him. "Yes," he replied, pointing to a portrait on one of our bookshelves, "Snoepje, our beloved cat." Gerry then inquired more about Snoepje, so I explained how it came to be that she is now living in what I call "Cat Heaven" with Stephanie Cunningham in Minnesota. Low and behold, after Gerry departed our home, I received the following email. Serendipity or pure connectedness...does it really matter?
Dearest Susan & Martijn,
I hope this finds you both enjoying a wonderful, rest-filled weekend together. I want to thank you for keeping so many of us informed and up-to-date on your astounding journey.
The blog, Susan, is a beautiful testament to staying connected in a very intimate, soulful way, with those who love us. Your prose and thought process many times, have been moving and eye-opening for me. I am in awe of your writing skills - just so lovely and articulate. And as you say, writing can be a type of therapy, a releasing, a flushing out of emotions and energy that could keep us stuck in some way. Your writing is a great gift and I thank you for sharing it with your global network.
Martijn, what to say to someone who is living with such a challenge? It truly is an inspiration; perhaps a call to the rest of us to wake up and be ever-so present to each day. And not take each day nor our health for granted. I found myself cringing reading about some of the hospital and medical struggles you've both been enduring. I can empathize with that portion of your journey. It brings up many experiences I (with my parents) had as a child in dealing with the medical model. Thank goodness there are those who work within this rigid system, that are truly caring, healing souls meant to assist us through the crazy painful and outright infuriating times.
And to the both of you, I'm very moved by the connection I feel with you, even though in reality, we don't know each other. Snoepje was/is our connection - lifeline, one could say. I think about how we literally spent what, perhaps and hour and half together over a year ago? Meeting as strangers who together love this furry-demanding-funny-weird-beautiful little being (and let's not forget his holiness, Mr. Yin (the Buddha in fur). It's quite remarkable I think. And so, now the two of you are going through this horrendous, yet grace-filled challenge. By documenting and sharing your process, I am allowed to get to know you in a very intimate way. I wanted to thank you for that. So my tiny gift to you, is this link to some recent photos I took of your sweetpea. Know that some are out of focus, others not so good, but there a few that are nice, I think. (I was using my brother's camera - my first foray into digital technology - it's so different from using my "old" 35mm film cameras). I hope you find a few shots here of the girly-girl that you like and could print out.
I've been keeping Snoepje current on how you both are doing. I've tried to show her the photos of Papa, but as you can guess, she's not much for being held in front of a computer screen for very long. But I know she's continuing to send you much Schnoops-Love, nuzzles and mews. I tell how much her mama & papa would love having her near, so she could help in healing Papa's wounds. Laying on his chest, purring away while perhaps suckling on his shirt - what's better than that? No medicine or procedure I know of! I guess you will have to settle for receiving it all on the astral.
So, know you are being held in our prayers and thoughts on a daily basis. Continue to keep on, keeping on, as they say. Well, probably not in Netherlands, but you know us Mini-soow-tans.
Much love and blessings to you two,
--Steph & Snoepje
1 comment:
That note is so unbelievable concidering the timing!
I am home after showing some houses,waiting for my 2 grandkids ,alexis and ryan to come and stay the night.Waiting to hear Nannie Hannie we are here......having a Pj party movies ..popcorn all the things that are unhealty but fun...
I had a few minutes and wanted to check -in with you guys-
WHAT A STORY-in tune-para normal...
Whatever just shows you are LOVED ..ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!
from me who loves you
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