Martijn had a quiet mostly good day. His thigh wound is healing nicely. He called his primary surgeon to ask when the stitches could be removed and she told him this Friday when he sees her in the morning. Tomorrow he has a hospital visit with his plastic surgeon. Top of the menu are questions regarding how he can begin to use his entirely reconstructed ass. So far he is only allowed to sit for 15 minutes of every two or so hours. It's very uncomfortable. His new bum was surgically made from the muscle and skin from his thigh (where the wound is taking longer to heal) and fat from his stomach (because they removed so much of his posterior including a part of his spine). It's easy to understand why it is so difficult for him to sit, yes? But, I have a birds, well, maybe a cat's eye view of this new part of his body and without prejudice I attest it's beautiful. Really, incredibly gorgeous. His plastic surgeon, Dr. Sawlor, can do my face lift any time. Now, you'll never see this result here, so you have to believe that since I've been entirely honest in all I've written here, you couldn't believe Martijn had surgery, and such extensive surgery, by looking at that cute new bum! Martijn seems to be a natural self-healer, so please keep your prayers, meditations and candles going that the cancer will also never be invited back into any of his precious cells. And, here are more of you angels, keeping the light lit that this is so.

A part of the members (and some of their partners) of my University of Maastricht European Public Affairs Masters Programme during a little reunion in May 2006 on the roof terrace of our former apartment in Maastricht.

Libby and Paul Scheele, Maastricht, September 2007

Bob Ingram, "Down the Shore", Wildwood, New Jersey, May 2006.

Yulan San, Maastricht, summer 2006.
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