PRESENT: Martijn continues making progress. This past Friday his surgeons decided not to remove the stitches from the large wound on his thigh (where they took his grisailles muscle) or the drainage tube that keeps his lymph system from backing up causing edema (that last time caused the nicely healing thigh wound to split open). However, the surgeons seemed optimistic that the wound is healing nicely again and expect to remove the drainage system next week. (There is always increased danger of infection when you have a tube coming in that can also let in infection. So while the drainage helps prevent the dreaded side effect of edema from occurring, which is well known to those who have experienced breast cancer surgery, it also prevents the ‘natural’ closing of the wounds caused by removing the lymph glands – a desirable outcome. Trade offs.) Both of us will be happy for the tube to come out as it prevents Martijn’s progressive mobility and interferes with sleeping, dressing normally, etc. However, we are both pretty darn happy with progress so far.
FUTURE: I’m hoping to nudge myself back into a work mode. While I can’t plan too far ahead, I think I’ll be up to conduct the kind of consulting or training that allows me to be away from home for shorter periods, working mostly out of my home office when I don’t need face-to-face time. Martijn hopes to build back his weight and stamina. Once the wound is stable and the tubes are gone he can increase walking and minor exercise. We are mindful that this is an agonizingly slow process. Just keep in mind how severe his surgery was. And in the back of our consciousness, we hold the grim prognosis about the aggressive and elusive nature of the anal squamous cell carcinoma he has. His recovery thus far has made our optimism more valid; still, we understand the bigger picture.
NOW:“Our lifetime exists only in the present moment, after all. Past, present, future realized in a warm embrace, a smile, and act of kindness. Be well, be wise, and laugh a lot.” – Susan Schaefer
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