Martijn made good progress today. They removed his oxygen tube and stomach drain. He’s a lot less bionic looking sans those protuberances sprouting from his nose. The nursing staff clean shaved him this morning so the overall effect has him looking rosy for such sick guy! There are still many problems with food intake. He is suffering from expected hiccups and reflux due to multiple factors: the surgeons removed most of his own stomach fat during the surgery – while we all joke about fat, the fact is you need this layer to aid digestion; Martijn didn’t have much fat there to begin with and now he’s growing his own from tissue and fat harvested from his butt and thigh. The absence of this critical layer is slowing his digestive progress. And, as we’ve said, he’s flat on his back. Imagine trying to sip soup or water in that manner. It’s difficult enough when we are healthy. The hics and reflux can also keep his sleep at bay, not a good thing when he’s trying to recover from such a massive assault on his body. Hopefully each day will help this situation to mend. His outer scars are healing nicely. The true test, however, will be the inner mending. Time will tell.
I’ve administered daily foot massage with a thick, natural hemp product from the Body Shop. Overnight after the surgery it seems Martijn’s feet turned to leather. The massages seem to bring some relief to his swollen legs and feet and tomorrow the physical therapist is supposed to begin work to help his legs from swelling more.
I took a little TLC myself this morning, seeking an unbelievably needed Shiatsu massage from my therapist, the angel Simone Peerdeman. Not only does she move my body but my soul. I mentioned to her that David Fey had practiced some mindfulness meditations he received from Thich Nhat Hahn whom he had the rare opportunity to study with. When I rose from my relaxed state, Simone had produced a lovely postcard of the master himself, signed with love and light to Martijn. Now Thich Nhat Hahn's likeness faces Martijn across his bed on the handy little bulletin board each room sports.
After my massage I attended an eye opening meeting at the Toon Hermans Huis, the Netherlands’s premiere cancer support organization. Ursula arranged the meeting and accompanied me. We learned of the many and varied services offered to patients and partners such as healthy cooking classes, art workshops, relaxation and meditation classes, and so on. While giving us a mini-tour, our counselor, France, led us into the finale of the cooking class and we were kindly invited to sample a portion of today’s lesson – a sort of pureed eggplant guacamole. The chef, the volunteers, the clients were each nicer than the other and I’m sure we will make good use of this service.
Back at the hospital Martijn enjoyed a bit of pampering from Barbara Greenberg, who had enlisted to read to Martijn which is just what she did today. We passed a very quiet time listening to her superb reading voice. In fact, I hear it now, in my head and I’m going to listen as I drift to a better night’s sleep. You, too! Suze
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