Old friends brighten any day, but they really light us up when we're feeling a little under the weather. So a special two-day visit with Dorothé Hönes, a very dear friend of Martijn's from the Stuttgart area of Germany brought a glow to his entire being.
Each day Martijn continues to gain strength. Tomorrow the doctors want to move him to a "regular" hospital bed, from the special sand and circulating airbed he's been in. Bigger step still will be doing just that - taking a step!! Tomorrow is also the day the physical therapist, who has been working each day with him, will try to get him at least to stand and take a step. To me, this would indeed be a big big step. What a scary yet thrilling idea after 21 full days on his back! I'd prefer to think that they'd first sit him up, but, let's see what happens.
Meanwhile, on the medical oncology front, other good friends from the German speaking part of Belgium are also looking into Dr. Crimm's suggestions about seeking medical chemotherapies. Martijn is obviously a strong and courageous man who has come through this brutal surgery with ease and grace to be admired. We've a long road to go yet, creator willing.
As always, I am in total awe at the number of you who continue to send such love and positive wishes. When I think of my "old friends" like David Fey and Carol Malkinson who dropped all their other responsibilities to come lend their love and support, I become deeply moved. When I was a little "only" child I vowed to create a "global family" and this was well before the word global grew so trendy. Martijn and I are blessed with just such a global family that ripples ever-outward including friends of friends. We can indeed heal one another this way; perhaps we can also tap such astounding love to heal this world that at times seems as sick and frail as my dear beloved husband. If you continue to light a light for Martijn, then do so also for the pain of others. Maybe our circle will radiate in places we can't imagine. Peace, Suze
Dear Susan, hello Martijn !
just to let you know once more that I follow the process of martijn's healing and all the other news you desribe on the blog not only almost daily, but always with a strong feeling of compassion of what you two are going through and of (positive)disbelieve that you are able to express your feelings in such a strong, courageous and deep way. I was deeply impressed by your words.
Still, I wish that Martijn becomes better and better everyday, and that also this latest challenge may be overcome with the help of you two's gorgeous network of friends around the world.
All the best from Aken for tonight, I may try to find out in the next few days what the best time for a visit may be, o.k.?
Strong + warm hug
Dearest Martijn & Suze -
Yes, absolutely, I/we/others are still lighting candles. I am on candle #2 and will NOT STOP!!! I have come to love that flickering light in my room, at night, as I sleep. There are so many here who believe in the power of love and the intentions that spur our actions. And, our intentions are in sending you and Martijn all of the loving, healing energy you need. Your strength and power is already evident and the circle of love that you have can work wonders. Yes, I do include two others across the globe who also need our love as I light my flame. And so the passion grows and becomes an even stronger circle of life. It is alive and there for you!
To the glorious Swan and its froggie friends...
Dear Suze,
thanks for your updates on Martijns progress. This is of great comfort for those friends who would like to be with you and Martijn. The two of you are sending an extraordinary signal of hope to people all over the world. Your strength, your willpower and positive energy are exemplary. Your love for each other becomes apparent in every line you write and fills me with warmth and confindence. I just learned that another friend of mine goes through a similar process right now. I will tell her about Martijn and you, and I am sure this will give her hope. Martijn and you are two wonderful people who amaze me beyond words.
My thoughts are with you always.
Hi suze,
You and Martijn are so brave. Yes, i continue to pray each day Martijn is a little better. Of course, I'm also praying for a miracle. Remember even though your friends can't be there with you two, we are their in spirit.
Thanks again for the updates.
Love, Rosalind
hey moonbeam keep on shinning...
The love you and Martijn share shall light up the world...
Don t give up hope!!!!!
this moon beam is shining 4 you too~
oooooppps the moonbeam is you cuz
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