Martijn and Heinz, Maastricht, September 2005

Heinz's Yurt going up in his South Minneapolis backyard, September 2007.

Today may be Halloween but this is not a ruse like Orson Well's 'War of the Worlds'. It is however a welcome departure from hospital trips and other otherworldly goings on. You see, our dear friend, who we think is from Mars (and who dates a lovely lady from Venus), and who makes world-class jewelry, decided to build himself a yurt in his backyard, which happens to be on the planet Minnesota. Anyway, inspired by Martijn's brave launch into what we could consider his 'second orbit' on this planet, earth that is, Heinz decided to 'christen' (please forgive the religious reference) his whimsical and colorful (like Martijn) yurt, ‘the E.S. Martijn’. Below is a note from Heinz to us from September this year. It tells the tale in his own words.
P.S. Martijn and I hope you all have a happy haunting today! May you have no tricks and all your treats be sweet.
Dearest Susy....and Martijn....
Am still monitoring your conditions...
Your thoughts are moving...bittersweet and profound. They make me
blink and swallow a bit. They are reminder...a gift... to all of
us, who at this moment, just "happen " to be well, to never take
anything for granted.
Working hard on the "E.S. Martijn". It's christening will take place
at my open house the first week in december. Look see....and I hope
that you can show these images to the courageous King.
Signing off will love, Heinzo
PS. E.S. stands for "earthship".
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