Welcome home sign made by the three adorable triplets who live next door, with a little help from their equally wonderful mom and dad, Monday, October 22nd, 2007. After a dreadful night for me, and a truly hectic morning "welcoming" the home care hospital bed delivery men early, and literally begging them to help me do a major furniture "redo" to accommodate the new hospital bed, followed by frantic phone calls back and forth between myself and Martijn due to the fact that he was being released by the hospital without transportation (or pajamas due to the leaking lymph fluid episode), and a mad dash with Marcel to pick him up, transport him home, followed by another mad dash to the supermarket, Martijn is HOME! The home care nurse almost decided NOT to come until Martijn insisted, and when she did, how glad we were since she seemed to actually know how to care for his newly opened stitches better than anyone on last night's hospital shift. In fact, she was great, as was her home care (Thuis Zorg) supervisor who was furious at the way Martijn was released from the hospital. Breathe, breathe, and breathe. I managed to make this strong, courageous man a terrific lunch and actually cooked up an inspired dinner for him, mother and Marcel as well. Just after finishing in whisked my personal guardian angel, Barbara Greenberg with her trademark chocolate tort to make the night complete. Heeee's Back, we snuggled, it's a thoroughly better day. I remain exhausted but now deeply happy. One day at a time. Thanks to all of you who wrote reminding me to take care of myself. I do, I really do, but today's marathon was necessary and satisfying. A really good evening to you. Smile on my tired face, Suze
Dear Martijn and Suze,
I am so relieved to see that the setback wasn't enough to keep you from coming home! If your hospital experience was like the ones I'm familiar with, you must be enjoying darkness and quiet once again.
Suze's online journal is a great way for all of us to keep up with your progress. And you are making amazing strides to come back from the surgery.
Take care and enjoy your home and bed!
Welcome home Martijn!
One more step to health and a normal life. We love you and are cheering every step and sending strength for every little set back.
You two are truly spiritual warriors, and you will prevail.
Michael and David
Oh Mobile Martijn!
Home Sweet Sweet Home!
And, Suze, now you can have two towels and a full dishwasher!
The winter garden made me feel peaceful just to see it in a photo!
I honor the resilience you both exemplify with each and every step you take toward a wonderful, loving winter.
Rest up and Sleep Sweet and don't forget the ribbit mantra!
All My Love,
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