Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Not out of the water

Home care nurses try to deal with a large oozing wound. At home, October 23, 2007. The wound is getting larger, and we spent most of the day trying to address what I feel is a dangerous problem. I think Martijn should not have been released from the hospital given the fact that what was a well healing scar suddenly opened leaking lymph fluid. Though he has no fever, the wound looks pus-filled now, and as good as these home care nurses are I don't understand why a wound specialist hasn't been called. I worked non-stop today, literally from 9 to 9, cooking and cleaning linens and bed clothing. Tomorrow our general practitioner will call early and supposedly come by. This situation is both frightening and I think unnecessary. We try to keep our spirits up but I'm not a nurse and I feel rather scared by how this is going.


Anonymous said...

Oh hunny,

That is scary...I hope the GP shows up soon to assist. We are holding you hand across the waters.

Michael and David

Anonymous said...

Remember you not alone. I pray that the doctor will have a much improved solution.

sending lots of love


Anonymous said...

dearest... you are loved and prayed for by us many times each day we have been including you both in our healing circles. You are an amazing woman, so strong... Martijn is so amazing, so strong... blessings to you...

Libby and Paul

Anonymous said...

Dear Strong Suze -

My compassion goes out to you. You must be so tired. Through your exhaustion, do not forget to trust your instincts. You do what you think is best. I know you can and will.

In Healing Love To You Both,

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness

I hope the huisarts has already come and the situation has improved. Im so sorry that the joy of having him home is overshadowed by this Will come when i am completely better..which is not yet the case. you and martijn are in my prayers...love trish

Anonymous said...

Just back from a five day trip to my old aunt in France, I read the good news that Martijn is at home now, but also the disappointing news about his wound. I hope and pray that it will urgently be treated adequately so that you can continue enjoying your being together again in your lovely house. Love, Ingrid