Uncommon White Easter Monday, March 24, 2008, from our second story balcony

Martijn visits with brothers, Noel, Jan, and sisters-in-law, Irma and Leah,
Good Friday, March 21st

Brother Noel gazes with Leiven as T'jeu talks with Uncle Martijn
We were blessed this holiday weekend by getting to spend quality time with Martijn's brother Jan, wife Irma and sons, Matthieu, known as T'jeu [pronounced T'chew] and Leiven, who live in Amersfoort nearby Amsterdam, as well as with his youngest brother, Noel and his wife, Leah, who live in Maastricht but haven't been part of family gatherings for over two years. Reconciliations are healing and holy. So Good Friday was really good.
The Thursday evening before good friends Frank and Jacqueline stopped by for gossip and conversation. Frank and Jan are old school day chums and Frank has adopted us into his own warm and encompassing circle. Jacqueline was a major part of moving in to this building a year ago, taking over the painting and generally helping us to settle in.
Saturday, good buddy Maurice Schoffelen transported me to an office center outlet to happily shop for my favorite things, like paper clips and hanging folders while Jan returned for a more private visit with his big brother. That night we entertained friends Yuri and Steven whom we haven't seen in almost a year. They divide their time between homes here in Maastricht, San Francisco and now, their newest abode in Brussels.
Sunday, Easter Day, we enjoyed a quiet dinner at my mother-in-law, Geri's along with Marcel, Noel and Leah. But Martijn was feeling peaky and we left early. His pain has increased as has his overall discomfort in sitting, walking or laying. I'm generally trying to hold my own faltering emotions in check, now struggling to fight back bleak thoughts, instead trying to enjoy these moments since they are the only thing that is real in my otherwise abstract thought landscape. Mostly Martijn and I enjoy very quiet time together in this wonderful house.
I'm very grateful that my work for ECDPM can mostly be done from here allowing us to continue to be together. Tomorrow I head to The Hague, about a two and a half hour train trip, to meet the officials in the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs who are major funders of ECDPM. Specifically I'll interview the Director General of International Cooperation, who plays an important part of the Ministry's development activities.
1 comment:
Just to let you know that you and Martijn are being thought of with much Love...and requests for comfort, peace and Good moments:
If we are truly present in Love in the Moment...we share/experience Eternity.
Love from CT
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