Martijn, David Meyers, Roberta Strickler, Dave Hyde & Me
March 11, 2008
To understand bravery and spirit you are lucky if you know Martijn. His spirit is larger than most of our imaginations can fathom. It is as limitless as universe after universe. He teaches me about what it means to be a real human being, not a human doing. His first ambition is to make sure that his guests, his friends, his family are okay; then comes himself.
Due to plans made just a few short weeks ago when his health was going strong and his strength on the upswing, we invited our dear friends David and Roberta to stay here, coming for TEFAF, the huge art fair held in Maastricht and visiting other places of interest. When our other friend, Dave Hyde, asked if he should stop by on his way from Dubai back to Minneapolis, we said, sure, happily anticipating a houseful of good friends who had a common connection of having lived a long time in Chicago.
So it was with great sadness that Martijn had to bow out of most of our plans as his condition worsened extremely rapidly. Dave arrived on Thursday, the day the entire family celebrated Marcel's 65th birthday. We were pleased to attend and share the joy, but already Martijn was in pain.
Dave was perfect company, generously lending his ear and hugs, happily hanging out and just being. Saturday David and Roberta arrived. Originally we were all to meet them in Brussels for a day of sightseeing. Instead Dave served as my escort and the four of us enjoyed an afternoon. But I was eager to return home and so we had a nice dinner all together with Martijn. Sunday Barbara Greenberg and Pawel Kromholz had all of us for a big family style dinner at their home/art studio. Martijn joined but was greatly relieved to be back home that night. Monday only the four of us attended TEFAF, and Tuesday we cancelled a special dinner out while David and Roberta prepared a risotto and chicken feast.
Our visitors left today in a very poignant goodbye to Martijn. His condition is deteriorating almost by the day. Although he is keeping his brave face, the cancer has spread and most distressing, now his appetite is gone – the most dangerous thing that can happen in these cases. His medical doctor comes this evening to conduct a physical exam while we wait for the hospital to receive a certain chemical to conduct a full body scan to determine where and how many organs now are invaded.
There is no good news here. The worse situation for me is seeing Martijn in real pain and distress.
I will continue with my work for ECDPM since it doesn’t do any good for me to simply sit by, but as you can imagine this is a depressing and achingly sad time for us. Thank you for your comments, wishes, emails, love and support. Susan
Susan&Martijn,We are very sad to hear about Martijns deteriorating condition! He seemed to be doing very well while we were there just a few weeks ago.He even was quite humorous!"The Credit Crunch"as he referred to,I'm still laughing about it.So we hope that these Drs. can come up with some positive solutions and get him back on the mend and make him feel comfortable.Our energies and prayers are with you both.We will be in touch,and stay strong my dear!
Susan and Martijn,
All the cats (now five, with foster care) and I have been and will continue to send prayers of comfort, healing and gratitude to both of you. Neither the cats nor I tend to pray with paws together. Their meows are heartfelt, their stoic gazes determined, and their gentle trills a reminder that they would bring Martijn their best mouse if that would help. I sit with open hands, moving the white warm healing energy from the Mystery to my spirit into my heart and out to both of you full of warmth and stamina. I know that you are both held in a Divine embrace. Best blessings, Bev
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