It was twenty-seven years ago that my mother, Emma, passed away, one evening after John Lennon's assassination. I always remember both during these short winter days by lighting a candle and meditating on their respective lives. My mother had a very difficult life plagued by illness after my birth. This photo shows her (left in the dark suit) in more carefree times posing with her friend on the boardwalk in Atlantic City. Before I was born she was vibrant and bright, holding a responsible job during WWII at Philadelphia's Frankfort Arsenal. Despite her incredibly poor health, my mother reached her 70th birthday loved and admired by many.

I don't need to tell most people about John Lennon's life. He used his fame and fortune in his later years to promote the concept of peace and positive change. He asked us to imagine a world where we live in accord with our own beliefs, respecting those of others. 'You can say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one'... He believed in the power created by individuals bonding around a cause. I hope that you, like me, imagine such a world. Experiencing Martijn's miraculous recovery reinforces such a concept. I reached out to friends, colleagues and even strangers. The concentrated love and energy of so many people cemented my belief that positive thought and action can change the world. I like to think my mother believed in such possibilities, too, though she never could express it. John Lennon etched hope in the consciousness of millions. You, my friends, radiated such hope during my dark hours. Imagine. Imagine. Imagine and act.
ohh suzie
LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of auntie Emma..@first glance i thought it was my mom..the lady next to her looks a lot like aunt Lily..amazing..
Hope all is well !
You are both in my prayers!
your cuz from Philly!
Hello Susan,
What a beautiful post! You make my soul sing every time I read your blog! You deserve all the good things happening in your life, and I'm knocking on my wooden desk at the moment!
Thanks for spreading the positive energy :)
- Olena
Suze - There is such synergy in your message for me today. Thank you for the honest beauty in life that you share with each blog! YES YES YES I imagine with all of my heart. I imagine and will conquer my fears and act to make a difference. I imagine seeing you and Martijn in our old age and laughing with joy because we are living in a new paradigm that accepts the differences of all. I imagine PEACE.
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