Damian and Susan, February 25, 2007
Last week, Damian Gadzinowski, one of my University of Maastricht Master's Programme classmates paid a visit. It had been almost a year since we last met and it was good to catch up. Damian now works for the Warsaw satellite office of the European Institute for Public Administration, (EIPA), where we spent three months of our masters training. Since he's Polish, this means he's back on his own home soil after spending two years working in Brussels. We got to compare notes about work, our private lives and to reminisce about our student days. Its hard to believe that we're coming up to our three year reunion this June.
The past few weeks have been almost other-worldly. Martijn came down with the cold/flu that has decimated Maastricht, and I hear, the rest of the Western world. There are some other issues, too, related to the cancer and the surgery. Martijn has been so well and brave for the past months that it is very hard to see him in any distress. Tomorrow we head back to the clinic for a check up. Fingers crossed.
I'll light a candle, Suze.
Thinking of you both with love
Bonnie Margolis
Stamford, CT
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