Many years ago Martijn and I stood proudly before our nation's Capitol (seen just over my head in the background) with our dear friend, Roberta Strickler, and children Aaron and Emily Meyers. Husband David snapped this shot. Aaron and Emily are now adults and probably up celebrating along with a vast majority of Americans on this historic day.
Martijn adored Washington, D.C. and tonight I think he and all the other angels are dancing with President-Elect Barack Hussein Obama's recently deceased grandmother for his, and our, historic victory. Yes, America can change, perhaps better than any nation on earth. Tonight as I stayed up into the wee hours I wished that my beloved Martijn were here beside me to hear and witness greatness. But I know his spirit is soaring, as is mine, over this turning point in world history. Now I can say after so long a time, "I am proud to be an American." I have hope that once again my country can participate with other free people around the world in making decisions that contribute to a better, brighter future for citizens of the earth.
So my sincere congratulations to Senator Barack Obama, his family, his team on this amazing victory. Now, along with that puppy for his daughters we need to see a cat in the White House, too! You can't be the president of all people without representing dog AND cat people! Be well, be wise and laugh often!
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