The holidays confirmed what a diverse and lovely area we live in. Four minutes from our door is this path towards the River Meuse (also called the Maas, hence the name Maastricht loosely meaning the place where one can cross the River). Heading south (a left from where Martijn is standing) along the path we pass the incredibly urban and sophisticated Bonnefanten Museum (see December 16th entry).

Continuing along this path we come to the architecturally interesting Province House (also covered in the Dec. 16th entry) emerging into a lovely and surprising rural landscape, complete with wild steers and horses who inhabit a protected wildlife area. My friend Audrey and her sweet Tibetan spaniel, Sparkle, are shown looking back towards Maastricht, just as the more rural portion of the trail begins.

Continuing southward some 25 minutes by car we can be in the Belgian city of Liege, one foot of the Meuse Rhine Triangle (the others are Aachen, Germany and Maastricht). Part of our wonderful two-week holiday was spent with good friends Ton Schaap and Herman Rouw, shown here with Martijn during our day in Liege.

Among other things Liege boasts 'the Citadel' a former lookout post scraping the clouds. One route to get there are the famous steps of Liege. Here I am already tilted by the strain of the ascent.

Martijn scurried these steps like a cat after its tasty mousie. We were all duly impressed with his increasing stamina. You get the idea looking here over Herman's shoulder as he viewed down from the top. More on about how we spent our holidays to come. We hope yours were all you wished for. Happy 2008!
1 comment:
Nice hat Susie!
Rob in Brussels
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