Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Life That's Waiting For Us

We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
- Joseph Campbell

Susan & Martijn woven photo portrait

- D. Sippel

Two steps forward, one back. Time has a new quality, difficult to define.

I work at ‘discovering’ the life that is ‘waiting’ for me.

The year has been the best of times, the worst of times -

I struggle to find my identity, my sense of place.

Always mindful of my many blessings, family, friends and friendship,

I come to understand for the first time the ‘true’ meaning of process.

It has been a year of outward and inward journey.

Soul Lodging: A Magical Mystery Tour

Awareness - the first step toward healing. Awareness of how encircled I am. Grateful for continued contact with dear ex-hubby Bob Ingram, for renewed relations with brother Allen Schaefer, for the love and support of countless friends, colleagues and family.

Now I seek ‘soul lodging’. So thoroughly entwined was I within my marriage nest, bathed in belonging - all else seemed safe. I adored and was beloved. Martijn was my life’s witness.

I am unsettled. My quest now - to locate a new settled sense of soul. The half regenerated. The soul having been unraveled, untwined by the uncoupling.

Family, friends, colleagues weave around me a warp and weft - a thick, soft protective cocoon: The remaining toil is a solitary assignment.

Unsettled. I now craft a new consciousness awash in the gratitude of your countless contributions.

Happy Healthy Prosperous Sane New Year.

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