Wheels in motion. Courtesy of Dr. Bom, Martijn is transported to our hospital, azM, for a blood transfusion on Thursday, June 5th. The sudden decision came after a look at his low hemoglobin.

Fill 'er Up! The transfusion took almost 6 hours. The hoped for outcome is renewed energy. Martijn's life quality has declined precipitously since the thrombosis occurred on May 17th. He can no longer walk. He is much much weaker overall. Because he doesn't choose to ramp up his pain medicine, totally his own choice, his discomfort is obvious. It is so understandable that he doesn't wish to lose any more 'control' which he thinks will happen with increased pain medication. Yet, his trusted advisors tell him that the new pain 'patches' administer low enough doses so that he can control, to an extent, the result.
We have been blessed by a rally of care. Thanks to Alied [Aah-LEET], my therapist, I got the courage to ask for more help from our circle here. Now, we have dinner brought almost every night by a cadre of dear friends. Monday night Audrey Sondijker, our dear friend and neighbor comes; Tuesday, Alied or Finny (another neighbor and Toon Hermans Huis volunteer) bring food prepared by Alex the chef of Toon Hermans house; Wednesday has been dinner and a movie with our dear Maurice Schoffelen for a while now; Thusday, Ursula has plied her skills and Martijn loves her German potato salad; Friday Casey and Jerome will be food angels.Geri and Marcel have been coming with dinner every Sunday.
Ingrid Regout has offered to come on request if she is available, and Martijn's brother Janus and sister, Elly, are trying to alternate Tuesdays.
For me, some very old high school friends have appeared via internet bringing strong and comforting connections that only such deep history with one another can provide. Most especially from my good buddy, Deb Cohen-Mersky, whose beloved husband, Marty, died suddenly last year. Many of my beloved friends from Philadelphia High School for Girls, aka, Girls High, have been keeping in touch with me since I had to cancel attending our class 40th reunion last year. Through Deb's contact and connection a new meaning to our shared history has emerged.
To all my/our angels, near and far, old and new, we extend gratitude that simply doesn't translate well on these pages. But please know and accept that we feel, truly feel, the outpouring of love and support from you. As Martijn continues to say, "I do not feel alone on this journey." We, neither of us, feel alone. This is what is meant by connection. Thank you. Heartfelt thank you.
My love is with you and Martijn. You are in my heart and prayers .
Just want my beloved Papa & Momma-One to know Steph & I continue to send on the astral, many many prayers, thoughts, mews & furry Forest Cat nuzzles. xoxoxo
Oh how scary my frogs...
when you feel weak and and like you can't take another step, just draw from the strength sooooo many people are sending you. One foot in front of the other...with invisible and visible hands holding you up.
We love you...Michael and David
Dear Ones,
Blood is Life. Food is Love. And, Love is Food for Life. So glad to hear of your loving "dinner brigade." I wish I could send you a nummy dinner...but instead I am remembering so many wonderfully hilarious dinners from the past. With these thoughts, I send you Love...so-o-o-o much
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