Standing strong together, Mother's Day, May 11, 2008 in our home.

Martijn reads in our outer courtyard on Monday, May 5th.
Yesterday, May 17th, Martijn suffered a ‘setback’ in his well being. He has developed a painful thrombosis – an anticipated side effect of his increasing immobility. We had an emergency visit by our lovely doctor, Dr. Bom, last night. Martijn will now be receiving injections to thin his blood and have his leg wrapped. This will decrease his mobility but hopefully this will only be a temporary setback with the proper treatment and rest.
Hi Suze :
I'm really sorry to hear of this and hope Martijn is soon feeling more comfortable. I am sure you have wonderful caretakers who have told you to call the doctor to perhaps get the dose adjusted down if there is any unusual bleeding like the gums.
I hope Martjin is comfortable soon...and your heart can find some Peace.
What a comfort it must be to him to have your Love!!
Stay strong and courageous my Sweet Friend...and know there are Love and Prayers for you both sending Light
You two are on my mind all the time. It is poignantly sweet to think of the two of you standing strong together. I hope the measures being taken are providing Martijn with comfort and relief.
I wish I could hug you both right now...
Love, Michael
Suze and Martijn- Back in town again and checking in with your latest news. I am visualizing much relief for Martijn as Dr. Bom makes the difference needed. It soothes me to know you admire your Doctor...that helps.
My heart is full for you both. I am glad we live in the times we do, where understanding of the spirit within us and around us, makes for a knowing that "heaven" is here on earth, in each of us...always with us. I am honored to know two people, whose love for each other and each moment together, is so precious in its simplicity.
And, Suze, I admire your honest feelings. You are not alone. You have so many wonderful people loving you who will always help you feel and remember Martijn and his incredible spirit. You will see him in all of those shining, loving eyes. Because he has touched us all, indelibly.
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