Susan, Bobby Rydell, Mickey Specter
Scioli’s Nightclub, November 1964
Mickey’s 15th birthday
Remembering Mickey Specter Farley
(on her birthday)
by Susan Schaefer
Pint sized pal
First friend
You scooped me up
into your heart
While movers heaved
Daddy’s Jacobean dining room set
Up concrete steps
Into my new life -
Strawberry Mansion to
7726 Gilbert Street, Mt. Airy
Philadelphia Gothic to marvelously modern.
You stood only to my chin
Even at age seven,
But you ‘played’ like a giant
Your stature reflecting
The size of your heart.
Yup, we called you Mickey Mouse
And you spelled your name
M-I-C-K-E-Y, not the Miki
You adopted post-Japan.
And that sultry summer day in 1957
You took me into
Your Mighty Mickey giant heart
And never let me go.
First best friend
Magical Mickey
Your steadfast love
Transformed me from
Only child to sister.
I remember you
and rejoice.
November 19, 2011
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