A Poem In Remembrance and Anticipation
I unplugged the fountain
its reassuring gurgle now silenced.
The plants take up residence
at the mother-in-law’s later -
my leafy children off to foster.
Knickknacks and tchotchkes
pruned, scattered to friends -
small memory gifts of going.
The purge is painful
yet therapeutic -
a peek at the waste of want.
But your precious items -
notes written in that wise hand,
the letters clear as a mountain spring;
the eyeglasses that framed your
noble nose, sat upon your chiseled cheeks,
the comb that slid through your graying hair,
your toothbrush, dear,
that touched those teeth
that my tongue oft lapped
when we lay in deep embrace;
your silk royal blue boxers - so sensual,
the ‘bumblebee’ stripped cotton ones -
so humorous;
these, dear, I’ve placed like treasures
in one small drawer to accompany
me to the new world.
©Susan Schaefer 2010
Yesterday was the birthday of playwright August Wilson, who said: "Confront the dark parts of yourself. ... Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing."
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