Today was a good day. After his second surgery to stop the internal bleeding yesterday, Martijn rested through the night enough so his medical team felt he could be moved to a regular room on the surgical floor. It’s a private room with a huge western facing picture window that overlooks the lovely wooded Maastricht countryside. This evening’s sunset flooded his room and we sat together watching glorious autumnal colours streak the night sky. Never was seeing a sunset more appreciated.
Earlier in the day his brother Janus, mother Geri and her life partner, Marcel, visited and we chatted happily aware that Martijn has won another day.
And, that is how it will be; I am deeply conscious of the fragile threads that link this strong and spirited man to his mortal coil. They are the tubes that currently feed him oxygen, hydration (as he is still not permitted food or water), and drain his fluids and surgical wounds from many orifices, natural and man made. My good friend Nancy said Martijn was like a soldier who had been blown apart on the battle field, only a soldier would not have been previously weakened by chemo therapy, radiation and wasted by the cancer itself. Being with him today, chatting as though he was not tethered to so many life supports was excellent for my spirit, but after yesterday’s frightening realities, I understand the paradox of appreciating each new day while respecting the tentativeness of everything.
David Fey departed this morning. I simply would not have made it through these last days without his absolute friendship and quiet, steady support. He complimented my brother-in-law, Janus, who knew what to do, what to ask, when to be where. They allowed me to concentrate only on my love for Martijn, the greatest gift at this time. Completing the triage trinity has also been our guardian spirit Barbara Greenberg, anticipating the needs of sustenance and transport. It is as though she possess a spiritual GPS.
It is very late here tonight and I’m at once exhilarated at the capacity Martijn has to regenerate, but more, to soar in this moment; at the same time I’m exhausted to my core, reaching for more energy to endure this journey. And the moment I doubt my ability to replenish, the palpable field of energy that fills Martijn and me with light and life buoys me. You have created this force field. You are literally participating in this road to recovery.
If there is any lesson in this ordeal, it is that the human capacity to love conquers fear and loneliness and stimulates healing. You are so integral to our survival - so willing to walk this path with us. Before I left Martijn this evening, bathed in the fleeting light of sunset, he turned and said to me, “Please tell everyone that I feel their love and support and wish to be able to return it.” And, he added, his humor healthy and in tact as his body is not, “I also wish to sit on a terrace with an ice-cold Hoegarden beer with a sliver of lemon!” Here’s hoping he gets all his wishes. More later.
Thank you for your beautiful awareness of this gorgeous fall day and of the love you and Martijn share. As I rode my bike, at sunset, here in Minneapolis, I too saw the colors of fall reflecting in the early evening light. Your poignant words, Suze, remind me of how blessed I am to know you both. The candles are lit and the love and light is coming to you. As Tom, Therese, and Lily said, "Your courage, during this difficult time, gives us courage." I ask for you & Martijn - many, many wonderful days together filled with love and a good beer! Anne
Dear Susan and Martijn,
My thoughts are with you..
Reading about the sunset the both of you enjoyed I remembered my little poem I recided on the evening I visited you the first time. and it felt apropiate again.
As darkness grows
Light will increase
As darkness falls
Light will show its strength
As darkness turns to an endless black
Light will show the way
As darkness hates
Light will love unconditionally
As darkness rules
The light will be remembered even stronger
As darkness steals the colors of your mind, body and soul
Light will set all free
As darkness fights to be all there is
Light will open its hands, its arms to embrace
As darkness is
Light will be
P.s. Let Martijn know that I buy the first Hoegaarden with a nice sliver of lemon.. Hmmm!!
Suze, thank you for your daily news and especially for your beautiful essay written so late last night. The phrase Choose Life! has been echoing in my heart the last few days and I am convinced it is a message from Martijn to all of us.
Steady on,
Dear Martijn and Susy,
Like a soldier I keep on praying for you two, and while praying found some beautiful words that wanted to share with you,
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you..." Isaiah4:3-2
Let's keep on in faith and God will keep providing with love, strength and peace.
With all my love I am with you... hope to be able to visit Martijn very soon,
Dear Susan,
thank you so much for updating us here. We are thinking about Martijn and you. Soon enough we will all celebrate the new beginning with whatever Martijn desires.
Birgit & Mary
Dear Martijn and Susan,
We are with you in spirit this week and send blessings and healing thoughts.
Caroline was with us at Anne's the night before surgery and she and Nic also send love.
Sally and John
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