Monday, December 13, 2010
Dutch newspaper profiles Susan and the book

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Yin, Yang & Snoepje please the people

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Book Presentation Promotion

Tuesday, November 09, 2010
The Adventures of Yin & Yang is PurrFectly on its way

Wow. The Adventures of Yin & Yang: Snoepje and the Pizza Box, is live and ready to be ordered, so please consider it for you holiday gift giving. You can buy it directly from our publishers, Dog Ear Publishing, online.

And here's some really big news: My friend, Dutch Cabinet Minister Gerd Leers,
is teaming with me with to debut the book in Maastricht!
Here's the News Release we've posted:
From America’s Cradle of Liberty to Europe’s: The Maastricht Dutch Connection
What do the Liberty Bell, the Twin Cities of Minnesota, the Treaty of Maastricht and three, four-footed furry felines have in common? The answer: former Philadelphia and Twin Cities business and community leader, and self-proclaimed global citizen, Susan Hermse Schaefer, whose just released bilingual illustrated book, The Adventures of Yin & Yang: Snoepje & the Pizza Box, has won the hearts of her third home, Maastricht, the Netherlands, bringing her from one cradle of liberty to another.
The book, a venture with collaborator, long-time friend, and Minnesotan-based illustrator, Michael Bower Putman, is set in Minnesota, populated with a Dutch husband, two charming middle aged cats, one quirky kitten, and a wife who, let’s say... resembles its author. Translation newcomer, JuliĆ«tte van der Aa, a resident of Amsterdam, charmingly rendered the English to Dutch.
In mid-November the book, which is the first of an intended twelve small volumes, will be introduced to the Dutch public in her third home, Maastricht, host of the Treaty of Maastricht.
The Treaty of Maastricht, non-European audiences might ask? Yes, Maastricht is the southernmost major Dutch city, sharing borders with Belgium and Germany, where in 1991 perhaps the best known and most controversial of the European treaties was signed, officially known as the Treaty of the European Union. With this treaty the European Union, or EU, came into existence, which might qualify Maastricht as modern Europe’s “Cradle of Liberty”.
And, it was in Maastricht that Schaefer met and came to admire, Gerd Leers, who was then the city’s mayor.
Mayor Leers stepped down from that post due to a political conflict of interest, but Schaefer, along with the majority of Maastricht’s citizens, continued to support and respect this political leader. “I watched with great admiration how Mr. Leers ran the city, and then handled himself during a time of crisis. I offered my respect and support throughout,” admits Schaefer.
In October 2010 a new cabinet position was created in the Dutch government, and Mr. Leers was appointed as Minister of Immigration, a position with significant weight and profile, not to mention difficulty. “I am delighted that Mr. Leers will return to his beloved city to jointly read with me a marvelously illustrated children’s book dedicated to my late husband, Martijn Hermse, a Maastricht citizen. This book, written in English and Dutch and presented at the Dutch holiday season of Sinterklaas is my gift to my second country, the Netherlands and Maastricht, the city I adore,” says Schaefer.
A debut and reading in a bookstore ‘made in heaven’
Thus, on November 21, 2010, the Maastricht branch of the prestigious Dutch national book chain, Selexyz, (comparable to Barnes & Noble) has invited Schaefer to present The Adventures of Yin & Yang: Snoepje & the Pizza Box to Dutch audiences for its debut, and Minister Leers will read the Dutch text.
Selexyz Dominicanen, as this Maastricht branch of the book chain is known, has been named “the fairest bookstore in the world,” by the UK’s esteemed The Guardian. This ‘store’ must be seen to be believed, housed as it is in a 13th century former friary, which has been restored with breathtaking care and creativity.
“Having Selexyz choose this book is an tribute in itself,” states Schaefer. “Furthermore, being asked to present the book for its Dutch debut, with all images beamed on a large screen for the children to see, is a dream. Most meaningful, is that I have been honored to do so in Maastricht, the hometown of my late husband, Martijn, who inspired this book and my life.”
The book presentation will consist of a reading in both languages and a book signing. Guido Wevers, head of Maastricht’s Cultural Capital initiative and the city’s prestigious Vrijthof Theatre, will introduce the presentation.
Book back story: Lake Minnetonka, Minneapolis, Minnesota to Maastricht, Limburg, the Netherlands
Schaefer wrote and self-illustrated The Adventures of Yin & Yang: Snoepje & the Pizza Box in 1999 in one night, as a father’s day gift for her beloved Dutch husband. Using handmade paper and primitive illustrations, Schaefer explains that she awoke during the night with the story fully developed, and while her husband slept, she wrote and drew it for him. They were then living on Minnesota’s famed Lake Minnetonka in the western suburbs of Minneapolis.
“Martijn considered this life in Minnesota’s undeniable natural beauty as near to heaven as possible,” Schaefer quietly muses. “And he was so contemplative a soul; our cats were perfect companions for a true philosopher, they seemed to posses the wisdom of the ages, like most cats.”
It was Schaefer who suggested that the couple take an extended sabbatical – a few years to live, study and relax in Martijn’s native Limburg Province, also noted for its astounding beauty and quality of life. In 2004, the University of Maastricht accepted Schaefer for a mid-career Master’s Program in European Public Affairs; she graduated with honors in 2005 and began working in diverse capacities for various departments at the university. Martijn had begun exploring options to complete his doctoral dissertation at Maastricht’s Jan van Eyck Academy. Soon the pair settled into the gentle flow of the “Burgundian lifestyle”. Enjoying their Maastricht experience, the two decided to extend their stay. Then tragedy struck. In early 2007 Martijn was diagnosed with cancer and within 18 months he had passed away. Schaefer was devastated, but she promised her soul mate that she would tell their love story – a story that included their much-adored cats.
“Bringing this tale to life in Martijn’s own city, surrounded by his family and friends, is truly the realization of a dream,” she admits. “And doing this in a store that has been named ‘a bookstore made in heaven’, one that he adored, has a moving symmetry.”
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Adventures of Yin and Yang: Snoepje & the Pizza Box: Debut reading with slide show and book signing, 21 Nov 11:30 at Selexyz Book Store Maastricht

And Selexyz' own website has posted this promotion in Dutch:
Boekpresentatie Susan Schaefer
Zondag 21 november om 11.30 uur vindt bij selexyz dominicanen de boekpresentatie plaats van het tweetalige prentenboek The Adventures of Yin & Yang: Snoepje & the Pizza Box van Susan Schaefer. Het boek wordt geĆÆntroduceerd door Jan Nauta, en vervolgens voorgelezen door Jo Coenen.
The Adventures of Yin & Yang: Snoepje & the Pizza Box
Te midden van alle tragedie en crises die onze wereld momenteel kenmerken, verschijnt er een boek over gelukzalige overwinningen en de liefde tussen mensen en viervoeters. The Adventures of Yin & Yang: Snoepje & the Pizza Box slaat een brug tussen continenten en soorten en staat bol van mogelijkheden in plaats van de kommer en kwel van de 21e eeuw. Het boek introduceert Antoine en Sara, een stel van middelbare leeftijd, elk afkomstig van een ander continent. Centraal staan de twee charmante oudere katers,Yin en Yang en het innemende titelpersonage Snoepje, een van de kittens van een nestje dat werd gered. The Adventures of Yin & Yang: Snoepje & the Pizza Box is een authentieke en onafhankelijke samenwerking waarin het beste van het huidige internationale, virtuele en digitale leven tot uiting komt. Het boek is geschreven en geproduceerd door Susan Hermse Schaefer, een Amerikaanse die deels in Nederland woont. Susan ziet zichzelf als een wereldburger, ze maakt in haar verhalen gebruik van de talenten en passies van individuen uit veel verschillende culturen en ontketent een visueel en auditief feest voor lezers in de leeftijd van 5 tot 105!
De illustraties zijn afkomstig van Michael Bower Putman uit Minneapolis, Minnesota, VS. Michael ontwierp jarenlang prachtige illustraties, advertenties en grafische ontwerpen voor bedrijven en non-profitorganisaties. Nu werkt hij voor zichzelf en creĆ«ert gedenkwaardige personages en beelden met een briljante structuur en kleur die boeien en betoveren. Hij geeft daarmee een nieuwe wending aan geĆÆllustreerde verhalen. Schaefer en Putman zijn al jarenlang vrienden en collega's. Susan, Michael en ook vertaalster JuliĆ«tte van de Aa uit Amsterdam zijn het unaniem met elkaar eens: katten en mensen die van katten houden, delen universele karaktertrekken en kwaliteiten. Dit boek en de boeken die zullen volgen beloven die universaliteit levend te houden.
6211 CZ Maastricht
The book will be available to purchase any day now, so please consider buying one, two or more for your holiday gift giving for children of all ages, cat lovers, and lovers, period. The Adventures of Yin & Yang: Snoepje and Pizza Box is an aural and visual treat we hope you will partake of. And, it's 100% fat free!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Maastricht Visit September 2010, Friends
Maastricht Visit September 2010, Family and Scenes

Rosh Hashanah Redeaux
A birthday apple for the world: Reflections of a Maastricht Jewish American on Rosh Hashanah and “The Days of Awe”
September 20, 2009
Faith is much better than belief. Belief is when someone else does the thinking for us.
-R. Buckminster Fuller
The advent of the autumn new moon marks Rosh Hashanah, which this year is 5770 of the Jewish calendar, and began at sundown on Friday, September 18, 2009, in the common era calendar. Rosh Hashanah starts the “the Days of Awe,” the most sacred ten day period in the Jewish year, ending with “the Day of Atonement”, Yom Kippur, a day of prayer, fasting and solemn contemplation. The period is a time when Jews reflect on the activities and behavior of the past year, questing to continuously develop as better individuals in the future, and seeking forgiveness for transgressions, not only from God, but also from one another, and not solely for ourselves, but also for the collective sins of our community.
Like so much of the Jewish culture – this idea of community is essential. Prayer and reflection are typically practiced in community in a temple or synagogue. I was raised in more secular household where Jewish traditions, rites and rituals were principally practiced in the home. The need to attend ‘services’ in a synagogue was not a cornerstone of my upbringing. Yet, like many modern Christians who only attend church for their high holidays of Easter and Christmas, I, too, enjoyed the rituals of these High Holidays as practiced in a synagogue.
Unfortunately, in Maastricht there isn’t a liberal or reform synagogue to attend. Here, the small Jewish community is rooted in an orthodox practice with which I don’t identify. Given the devastation of all European Jewry in the Holocaust, having even a small congregation of Jews is significant.
Synagogue in Maastricht, photo by Herman Pijpers
Nevertheless, I personally find it more comfortable to keep my faith in my own way. And so, I offer this reflection for others who also find themselves without the fellowship of their particular community at this sweet time of year so that they remember that faith can always be found within oneself, can be accessed at will, anytime and anywhere.
Rosh Hashanah is also referred to as “the birthday of the world,” a time when we ask to be inscribed in “the book of life”. In general, food and music are the arteries for the heart of a Jew, and the apple is deeply associated with our New Year. It is a tradition to dip the apple in honey to remind us of the sweetness of life at this time of year.
When I miss the opportunity to be with community to celebrate, I choose a few alternatives that encompass the spirit of the occasion. First, I listen to an incredible CD recording entitled, “The Birthday of the World: The Liturgy and Music of Rosh Hashanah”, narrated by Leonard Nimoy with astounding music. (Yes, Star Trek’s own Mr. Spock is a Jewish Vulcan, oh vey!)
After listening to the liturgy and music, I typically try to commune with nature. Nature is my concept of God’s cathedral, and in nature I am better able to think about my Judaism, my life and my wishes for the new year to come. One year, I found this nature in my own front yard – in my apple tree.
This apple tree had rarely been appreciated or eaten of. A city girl by upbringing, having a yard and trees was an entirely new experience. However, I found myself deeply drawn to touch my tree, to take from it the sweet burden of its fruit. And in the act of tending my tree I came to myself. Relieving the tree of its offering – apple by apple – I also found myself growing lighter. This act of quiet, deliberateness drained from me the weight of the day-to-day burdens we all carry. Both the tree and I grew lighter and this “mindful” activity seemed in keeping with the spirit of Rosh Hashanah – a time to stop normal activity, to reflect.
Another remarkable thing happened while I pulled and twisted the ripe, meaty fruit from its source. I found myself harmoniously in the midst of something I otherwise fear – bees. Dozens of bees had discovered the sweet sustenance of decaying fruit that had already fallen. In order for me to harvest my share, I had to work in their company. Typically, I am afraid of these honey-making, stinging creatures. Yet, for no reason at all, I felt quite safe, somehow knowing that they were merely going about their business and would leave me to mine. So, a second miracle accompanied the act of picking my tree – I worked securely with my own fear.
The third small grace to befall me, for surely all holy enlightenments happen in threes, was my sudden ability to tend only what needed to be tended at the moment. By nature, I am a bit of an overachiever. My desk is littered with five to twelve projects and in my profession as a communications consultant, I’m frequently interrupted, even when I do manage to be working on only one project. Phone calls, e-mails, colleagues, and my own thoughts are constant barriers to “being here now”. Suddenly, picking these “lowly” apples, I felt no need to do anything else. I was content quietly circling the tree, methodically finishing one area before moving to the next. It felt like a clear metaphor for beginning my new year in more balance and contentment.
And so, I came to my new year with a sermon of self, spun from the branches of a tree of life.
Now, at this time of year, I remember to perform a mindful act each day, fully aware of the moment, and in so doing, relieve a burden or two from this hectic life of hyper-drive. I try to acknowledge and honor my fears and learn to work with them, rather than waging hopeless battles against them. And, finally, I attempt to see the beauty and necessity of performing one thing at a time, leaving juggling to the talented acrobats of those charming European circuses that have gained such recent popularity.
Vaeshartelt Castle, photo by Herman Pijpers
Maastricht offers astounding nature almost within her city boundaries. Limburg is graced with a contemplative beauty that allows one to find sustenance in God’s outdoor sanctuary. Community, indeed is where we create it. If each of us carries the spirit of our faith every day, practicing it year-round, we can find sanctuary in the heart of each human being, each element of nature, remembering that it is not where you are, but who you are that inscribes us in the book of life. I wish for everyone everywhere in the world, a sweet “New Year”.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
In Memory of Peter Tasch, beloved mentor and friend

super smart but under-educated. And my mother, who delivered me as her only live birth at the advanced age of 40, had suffered what was then undiagnosed post- partum depression. As was common in that era of evolving mental health, she was treated with a regime that included uppers and downers and even electric shock therapy, resulting in irreparable damage to her physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. She, like my dad, had been incredibly bright, having had a brief career as a supervisor during World War II at Philadelphia’s war munitions’ plant, the Frankfort Arsenal, but having been raised in an orphanage, she too had only attained a third grade education. This left me an inheritor of great intellectual potential but limited experience.

The Tasch family has been a constant in my life for over 40 years, and I feel the loss of Peter deeply alongside each member. I was blessed by having a mentor with the qualities and charisma of Peter Tasch and attest that his influence has helped me become the person I am today. A light has gone out among us.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
The Purr of a Cat
Friday, July 30, 2010
A New Venture and a new web page
Please check out our new web page and look for further information on The Adventures of Yin & Yang: Snoepje and the Pizza Box which will be available this fall! I am so happy. And I know Martijn's spirit is too.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
An Illustrated Book to Honor Martijn

Martijn slipped his human coils two years ago on July 25, 2008 but his spirit still fills me and many others with the joy he created. In 1999 I penned a simple story for Martijn as a gift for father's day - a tale of three tails - the story of how we became a family via loving our precious furry critters, Yin, Yang and the saucy kitten Snoepje. Now my friend, brother-in-spirit, and collaborator, Michael Bower Putman has breathed new life into my amateur drawings. The Adventures of Yin and Yang: Snoepje and the Pizza Box will soon become a published book with Michael's vivid illustrations. And, the text will be in English and Dutch, Martijn's mother tongue. Martijn adored the original book as he adored life itself. And the Adventures of Yin and Yang honors that lifeforce - quiet yet dynamic. If all goes well, this will be the first of a series of tales of tails. A portion of profits will support animal rescue, something Martijn truly would have appreciated. So on this second anniversary of Martijn's passing I'm finding the light and love and support to transform my sorrow into creativity.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
On Martijn's 58th Birthday

Friday, May 21, 2010
Days of Future Past

Friday, May 14, 2010
Pompano Beach Renovation