Sunday, June 10, 2012

Treasures on the Schuyllkill

This magnificent bronze sculpture entitled
Social Consciousness by Sir Jacob Epstein
sits at the back door of
the Philadelphia Museum of Art
in the left background is
2601 Pennsylvania Ave, my current home 

It is almost impossible to convey the breathtaking beauty of this section of Philadelphia, nestled on the east bank of the Schuylkill River, home to the elegant Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA), Philadelphia’s historic Water Works, which in its heyday (1820 -40s) was one of the most visited sites in the United States, and the recently completed Anne d’Harnoncourt Sculpture Gardens, dedicated to the PMA’s CEO and art historian, who led the museum to greatness from 1982 until her untimely death in 2008.
Anne d’Harnoncourt

Here is a short film I produced that provides a ‘moving’ testament of the treasures seated on this compact slice of river real estate.

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