Sunday, July 05, 2009

A tribute to my friend, Bill Tyson

Bill Tyson, wife, Eddie Poletti, friend, Cindy Serano, April 5, 2009, Palm Beach, Florida.

This is tribute to my dear friend, William R. Tyson, who left us suddenly on July 3rd, just a week after his 25th wedding anniversary with Eddie. How fortunate for me I was able to spend time with him in the spring when he and Eddie hosted Cindy and me at their Palm Beach dwelling.

A Most Loyal Man: In Memory of My Friend, Bill Tyson

Loyalty is underrated, dear Bill,
for when given freely,
laced with love, as yours,
it’s a priceless quality.

Your friendship stretched
beyond mere time and space
enfolding ALL of us who shared
those paltry twins with you -
time and space.

No matter how far we ventured,
there you were, so beloved by Eddie
that your heart knew no bounds
and could keep track of us
wherever in the world we landed.

Dear Bill, your love and friendship
was a constant in a world of
Change and forgetting.

As you try on your wings
enfold Eddie there,
sweep her in,
hold her tight,
so that she can continue the journey
knowing she’s not alone,
never alone,
held securely by your love
beyond time and space.

Go sweetly, gently, into that place
where we all shall meet.

Susan Schaefer
July 5, 2009

1 comment:

  1. I was touched by your poem Susan. I can feel that your friend was a man who knew how to give and spread love around him, and make everyone feel special... You're like that too Susan.. I think we never really die when we have friends, because we live on through them...
