Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday evening

Martijn on Monday evening before surgery

This morning began badly, with news that Martijn had experienced internal bleeding during the night and was back in surgery. After three hours, the surgeon reported they had stopped the bleeding from a blood vessel in his abdomen, and that he was back in the recovery area. When we visited, he was sound asleep; small wonder after eight hours of surgery the previous day and then this additional procedure this morning.

We heard a slightly different story from the surgeon today about the status of the cancer. She said they had removed the whole tumor, but that they still needed to do an analysis to see if there was more cancer. In any case, we will not have the results of this analysis until Thursday. So, in the meantime, the focus is entirely on Martijn’s recovery from this extensive, two-stage surgery.

When we visited him again after dinner, Martijn was awake and sounding very much like himself: complaining about the care at the hospital and criticizing various political leaders, past and present! It was very reassuring, as you can imagine. His color also looked good, but it was clear that his body is badly depleted by this whole ordeal, and that what he needs most of all right now is to rest and heal.

They are planning to move him back to his private room in the morning, and we expect that he will remain in the hospital for at least three weeks. They have him in a very special bed that uses sand and air to support him comfortably and facilitate the healing process. We don’t expect to learn anything more about the cancer situation until Thursday next week, but we will continue to post updates. If you wish send cheerful cards, notes or photos, as we will post them in his room. Martijn will not be able to use email for quite some time to come. But if you like, please post comments on the blog. Suze will read these.


  1. Keep strong, Suz! It's good to hear Martijn's spirit is healthy - that in itself is a little miracle!
    We keep thinking about you.

    Let us know when we can visit!

    Love, Olena

  2. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Just checking up on you guys. Elated to hear Martjine came thru the surgery well. We're expecting you here on your almost annual visit to Florida! Love and Kisses to you both! Love Cin and Vin

  3. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Yes Martijn & Suze! Of course you are fully engaged in life. And, thanks to you, I think I am sending my first blog. Many hugs and kisses and loads of healing white light!

    Now take some great revitalizing naps and keep us apprised as recovery begins.

    With Love, Peace, and Health,
    Anne McQ

  4. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Have been keeping you and Martijn in my heart and prayers . Those sand beds are amazing...just need to maintain extra adequate hydration .

    Stay strong.

    Love and loving warm hugs coming to you from CT,

  5. Hey dear Suzy,

    God I cannot believe it, what stories... It's so good Martijn is being his own self after all this, that is a very good sign I think. I pray for next week's results, and Martijn's recovery, inshallah as they say here.

    Lot of love,


  6. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Suzy and Martijn,
    We are so relieved to hear Martijn is done with the surgeries. Now to heal.....we will continue to send positive energy and warm love to the both of you! Take care.
    David and Nancy

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Hello Susan,

    Glad to learn that the surgery went well. As you know, Chris and I have been there and we know what you're going through while you wait for the lab tests.

    We'll all keep praying for good things.

    John and Chris B.

  8. Anonymous4:56 PM

    That's good news, Suze. It's very encouraging to hear Martijn is in fighting spirit! Hope you are taking good care of your own spirit. Sending lots of bright, healing sunshine from CA. Peace, rob and syd
